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Writer's pictureJessica Nacovsky

158: Hurricane Prepping

Updated: Jul 15

Howdy! I live in Brazos County in Texas, all of which was included in the warning for Hurricane/Tropical Storm Beryl (the category kept shifting). The major threats for my location have been flooding and wind, including, originally, predictions of a tornado watch. I don't worry about flooding because, while the town does flood, my neighborhood hasn't directly flooded in the couple of years I've lived here. My solution for potential flooding is to stay home and off the roads. My concerns deal more with potential power and water outages, something I experienced for about a week during one winter in Austin. Thus, I take precautions. Below, I list suggested preparations for hurricanes and tropical storms including those less relevant for my area.

General Hurricane/Tropical Storm Preparations:

  • Follow local safety alerts

    • Have a battery operated, or hand crank, weather radio

  • Don't drive during the storm. Call out of work, take a personal day, or, if that's not an option, sleep at work the night before and possibly after. Just plan to not be on the roads during heavy wind, rain, and potentially hail.

  • Store excess water

  • Store food that doesn't require cooking

  • Charge electronics & keep them charged

    • Have a charged power bank

  • Fill gas tank in vehicle/s

  • Have lights that don't require working electricity (ideally flashlights but candles should suffice)

  • Secure yard furniture & ornaments in case of heavy wind

  • Make sure fence is sturdy. Bring in all outside animals or secure them in a weather-proof shelter.

  • Have sandbags or similar tools for blocking flood waters from entering your home. Arrange them where most useful before the storm begins.

  • Have your vehicle parked away from trees and if your area is prone to hail, consider tarping it

  • Have a first aid kit (that you know how to use)

  • Be well stocked on your regular prescriptions

  • Be ready to lose AC or heat by being adequately stocked with ice packs, battery operated fans, or blankets, etc

  • Remove dead trees/limbs from yard (As I'm writing this, a neighbor's tree snapped and the power line out back is the only thing currently holding it up. Emergency & utility services have been notified and the limb will be removed once it's safe to do so. Yard reeks of smoke so that's fun, but I'm seeing no sparks.).

  • Have entertainment available that doesn't require working electricity

  • Have your neighbors numbers in case you need to reach them

Coastal Hurricane/Tropical Storm Preparations:

  • Be packed to evacuate should the order/recommendation come

    • Have IDs stored in accessible container for easy grabbing on the go. Have copy of IDs & banking info on password locked USB stored in concealed area of vehicle

  • Secure windows (board them up with wood or cover them with tarps)

If your area has a history of severe flooding or you happen to live down river of a dam, consider investing in life jackets.

And remember, should you hit the roads mid-storm or directly afterwards for any reason and you come across flooded roadways, turn around, don't drown. Water can appear shallower than it is, and if it has a fast moving current, you can very easily lose control of your vehicle.

In cases of extreme flooding, meaning water is rising through and past your first floor, never seek shelter upstairs or in an attic. Rising waters will drown you if you have no route of escape. The roof is a better alternative.

Don't swim, or even walk, in flood waters if you can avoid it. Flood waters are full of debris that can injure you, and should there be a current, you risk being swept underneath and drowned.

There may be extended power or water outages after a major storm. The better supplied you are with water, food, lights, temperature safeguards, and entertainment, the better. Ideally, you should evacuate when authorities first recommend or order it but if doing so after the storm, wait until roads are clear of flood waters and debris. Thanks for stopping by! I drop a new blog post every Monday! Stay safe!


Howdy! This past week was First Friday in downtown Bryan TX so I knocked out three new mushroom woodburnings. I also touched up an old watercolor painting and made a little Prismacolor tattoo flash design of a red bat cat. Overall, First Friday went well despite the heat.

Turkey Tail Mushroom Woodburning
Inky Caps Mushroom Woodburning
Mycena Interrupta Mushroom Woodburning

I will not be taking part in August's First Friday because August is too hot, so I don't feel pressured to knock out a bunch of visual art before then. Meaning I can focus on another round of revisions for Soul Walker, my paranormal women's fiction novel.

While I didn't get any scrapbooking done, I did get ahold if a ton of new magazines to work from which I'm excited about.

Tuesday evening I'll be meeting with the Brazos Writers Group again. I don't have any new stories to talk about. This past Monday, I mentioned listing 20 story ideas in 24 hours. Monday especially, but really the whole week, was busier than anticipated so I've listed about half that, but they're all very different from each other, rather than the usual spin offs, which is nice.

I'm still reading Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. Normally, upon finishing a book, I donate it. Unfortunately, this copy is literally falling apart. Maybe I can use the pieces for an art project instead.

Thanks for stopping by! I drop a newsletter every Monday! Toodles!

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