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Writer's pictureJessica Nacovsky

83: Flavoring Pillsbury Crescent Rolls

Updated: Jun 12, 2023

quickie computer sketch of a lopsided croissant

Howdy! I recently bought bulk Pillsbury Crescent Rolls at Costco. It wasn't until I got home that I opened the package and realized that what I had assumed was maybe two tubes in a cardboard box, was 5 tubes of 8 rolls, meaning 40 rolls in total. Now I like croissants probably more than the next person, but (as my husband doesn't like Pillsbury brand croissants), 40 is a bit much of the same flavor for me. So I started getting weird with them. The following are the 5 best flavors of the many I've tried out, getting through this box.

Also, fair warning. I don't actually measure when I cook so these are all guesstimates. I measure with my heart.

  1. Cinnamon & Sugar: Spread a half teaspoon of sugar, and a half teaspoon of cinnamon, along the interior side of the crescent roll before rolling it up. This was super good and required no extra baking time.

  2. Pesto & Shredded Provolone: Spread a quarter teaspoon of pesto and a teaspoon of shredded provolone cheese on the interior side of the crescent roll before rolling it up. This was super good and required no extra baking time. Going light on the pesto keeps this from becoming too salty.

  3. Tomato Sauce & Shredded Cheese: Spread a quarter teaspoon of tomato sauce and a teaspoon of mixed shredded cheese on the interior side of the crescent roll before rolling it up. This was super good but required an extra three minutes baking time. Going light on the sauce kept the dough from becoming too wet, and the extra time, gave the exterior a slight crunch.

  4. Soft Unsalted Butter, Cocoa Powder, Cinnamon, Sugar, & Cayenne Pepper: Spread a quarter teaspoon of softened butter, a half teaspoon of cocoa powder, a quarter tea spoon of cinnamon, a half teaspoon of sugar, and the tiniest sprinkle of cayenne pepper along the interior side of the crescent roll before rolling it up. This was inspired by Mexican hot chocolate, and it's super good, but go really light on the pepper because it can quickly overwhelm. Also, I get the appeal of doubling the spices in recipes but this will get very dry very quickly with too much spicing. This variation does not need extra baking time.

  5. Soft Butter, Green Onion, & Garlic: Spread a quarter teaspoon of softened butter, a half teaspoon of chopped green onions, and less than a quarter teaspoon of refrigerated garlic paste on the interior side of the crescent roll before rolling it up. This was good but go very light on the garlic. It overwhelmed very quickly. This variation does not need extra baking time.

I also had a bunch of leftover steak and chicken, so I tried those with green onion, or cheese, in the croissants, and while they weren't bad, even the originally rare-cooked steak was too tough compared to the soft croissant, and the chicken added little in flavor. I have a hunch that some lemon zest, poppy seeds, sugar, and butter would make a good filling, but lack two of those ingredients, so. Also, I know the Pillsbury Crescent Rolls (Why don't they just call them croissants?) have butter in the dough, but you cant go wrong, adding a wee bit more butter.

Thanks for stopping by. I drop a new blog post every Monday. Toodles!

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